Week 3: Refining Concept

Last week we presented our conceptĀ  during lecture for it to be green lit. After receiving feedback we were told to look it similar games such as Dungeon Keeper. We did an in-person meeting on campus on Monday. During out meeting we decided to focus on refining our ideas such as how the UI would work during battle and out of battle. David suggested a game that was similar to ours called Darkest Dungeon

darkest dungeon
screenshot taken from Steam page

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Week 1: Project Proposal

This week we had to decide as a team what kind of game we wanted to make that was interesting and innovative. The concept we came up with was a simulation management game. At first we considered making a simple guilding managing game but we decided that to make it more interesting, we twisted the idea into a managing a mercenary group along with a RPG aspect to further engage our audience. I was in charge of all the visuals, here are some ideas that I drew

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