Second Last Week

This is the week before our gold code is completed for the showcase. We are focusing on finishing the last level of the game as well as the rest of our features and cut scenes that we were not able to include in our alpha and beta codes. We have a lot of focus on the visual aspect of our game so hopefully I am able to meet everyone’s expectations for the visual part of this project. Through this whole process, I realized that creating visuals for a game is not exactly a one man job and I may have bitten off more than I could handle by handling all the visuals by myself. Ideally it would have been better and less stressful if there was at least one more visual artist on our team. Programming is also a lot of testing and stressing so I am glad that we got another member for our team so that our game overall runs properly and smoothly. The learning process in the course has been interesting, fun and stressful. This was also the first time I have done so much animation, background drawing and tile mapping. It was really helpful in that aspect because I got a lot of practice and trial and error, especially on the tile maps. Here are some tile maps that I have finished for our final level and is currently still working and improving past tile maps so that they look more dynamic and less tile like.

There are also many things that I need to work on in this last week and we also need to create a short trailer for our game as well which I hope we are able to finish in time.

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