Beta final week

This week we had to finish up our beta levels and demo it in lab. We also had a new member join our team so we had to brief him on what we were doing in our game. David and Jonathan, our newest member, each worked on a level for the beta. Steven worked on the main base which includes the recruitment page and such. I worked on getting the visuals out and also wrote the play testing report. To start, our game as it has been said during the critique and play testing, is a bit lacking in the fun and challenge side. We need to improve and ramp up the level challenges by the end for the showcase which is happening in 2 weeks. For me, I will be mainly focusing on getting all the cut scenes and animations ready which is quite a bit considering that I am the only visual artist on the team with 3 programmers. I don’t mind this formation because it will be more consistent visually and the burden of coding is spread out.

During this last week, I have been mainly focusing on the monsters and backgrounds. I decided to prioritize the animations for the two bosses because they were important for each level. The time it took to draw out each frame was also extremely time consuming, which is why during the beta, they were the most complete feature of the demo.

Here are some of the visuals I worked on in the last couple of days until the beta.

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