Beta Part 2

This week I ran into some technical difficulties and my computer stopped working so I was unable to get as much done as I had intended. In the following week I will have to catch up on the visuals and get a lot of the animations and map tiles ready for the beta demo. We also added a new member to our group to help with programming and level design. I hope with this addition, our progress will be a lot smoother going towards the showcase. At the moment we our currently working on the next two levels of our game which is the level that is centered around water and and a level that is centered around mountainous terrain. For challenges I plan on creating monsters that have flight capabilities that allow them to attack the rear for the mountainous level. For the water area, I plan on creating monsters that are more resistant to melee attacks because of their water attribute and constitution. As for the bosses, they will inflict status demerits such as charm and silence. water monster

This is one of the water attributed monsters that will have a resistance to melee attacks which will force the players to rely on mage and support skills to defeat them.

In the next couple of days, we will have to do a play test so hopefully everything goes smoothly until then.

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