Alpha Code

This was the week in which we had to have one entire level complete from end to end. We had a lot to do but we somehow pulled through. David and Steven were in charge of the code which they split up who did which sections of the game. I was in charge of getting all the visuals ready. David also help revise the design document and Steven did the playtest which was hosted in several locations. I had a hard time these last few days trying to get all the visuals done in time to a point where I was awake for 41 hours working on the visuals.

For this section of the game, we will include the first boss as well as some monsters that will help ramp up the challenges leading up to the boss fight. This section also includes the tutorial for battle which is the reason why there is only 2 playable characters in the beginning. We will also include some short dialogue for our narrative to guide the player.  

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During our play testing, a couple of players found that the food bar was not intuitive. One tester was close and questioned if it was a stamina bar.

The visuals are challenging to create because there are many and also it takes a lot of time and concentration. The most time consuming part was probably creating the animations for the protag and Alexei. All the details had to be consisten and it took many layers and folders to separate each action. In the future I will need try and work faster so that I will not lag behind and have my team members wait on me for visuals.

Here are some character animations and assets from our game that I made:

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