Milestone 1: Prototype

This week we had to start our prototype 1. For our prototype we mainly focused on the battle gameplay aspect of our game because we have mechanics that we think are unique to our game and that is not often used in regular RPG games. We decided we did not have to mee up until our playtest. David and Steven was in charge of the programming and I was in charge of the visuals and the playtest report.

demo screenshotArcherSpriteMonster512x512tankSprite

There were many aspects that we need to fix and change but due to time constraints and initial testing purposes we simplified the outcome of the prototype to test the adaptability of the players. During the playtest we learned that our position mechanic needs some getting used to. Due to some technical trials and time constraints we could not fully implement what we invisioned the system to act and display. We also did not fully implement any animation just yet. The lack of animation did not help with visual cues and would have probably made the prototype more engaging since the current state is rather lacking in many areas. Through our playtest we also learned that we need to take into account the players line of sight when it comes to the interface. We had our UI sectioned and more spread out which caused the users to be slower. In the end we are reconsidering factors in our game design so that it is more achieveable. Modifications will have to be made and we will probably have to abandon and reiterate some aspects from the game due to time constraints of this project. For the Alpha we will have at least the first level completed as well as the opening cutscene and character animation sequences in which I will be in charge of.

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