Milestone 1 part 1

This week we have started working on our first prototype. Although at the moment we are still working on the programming stage but we hope to have the first prototype to be up and ready for some play testing in the next couple of days. I will be in charge of creating and animating the visuals for the prototype. I have been drafting out various monsters that the player can encounter in our game and hopefully implement on of them in our prototype. So far I have forest dwelling monsters and water monsters and one of the bosses that the player will encounter.

For our prototype, our core mechanic we plan on testing will be our battle system.

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I will hopefully have the final renders of the monsters and character ready for Alpha coding and also finalize their individual movements/walk cycle. We also hope to have most of our level designs and environment details finalized for alpha coding as well. We hope that through our player testing this following week will prove to be very insightful and will help us better understand where we want to go with our concept and how retentative it is for our target audience.

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